The irony is that many people are going back to wood on their garage doors to recreate the look of those earlier eras. Fortunately, they're living in the right time since faux wood is here for you to use if you want the same thing.

Yes, in the older days of faux wood, you could usually tell it wasn't real, except only when looking up close. Now anyone can look up close at your door and wouldn't even know the difference. This is the best aspect to faux wood's evolution in just the last decade.
It doesn't stop with just the durability side, however. Insulation is greater than ever. Intellicore insulation systems are common now, which provide a level of insulation not available just a few years ago. This means when you want to spend extra time in your garage (or even build an extra room out there), you're assured the heat stays in rather than going out. Plus, it's vice versa in the summertime when you don't want hot air coming in.
Contact us here at Door Tech Garage Doors where we're the area's experts on any garage door. If you appreciate the look of the past while demanding the technology of today, we guarantee you'll love the look of faux wood.